Green's landscaping & design

Water Feature Design & Installation

Serious Water Gardening Enthusiasts are aiming to bring Mother Nature into their yards. They have always loved fish, turtles, frogs and toads. There is a hale and hardy outdoor adventurer lurking beneath the surface of every serious water gardening enthusiast that’s just waiting to be expressed. They understand that in order to create that perfect aquatic, backyard paradise, you better be smart enough to work in harmony with Mother Nature and never against her.

Green’s Landscaping & Design offers complete and comprehensive maintenance packages. Rest assured that when you call and hire our pond professionals to startup and maintain your water feature, your only concern is to sit back and enjoy your very own little piece of paradise!

Some clients seem concerned if they see any algae in their pond. Some algae must be present and is a sign of a well balanced Ecosystem! Excess algae are a sign of a water imbalance. Typically this results from overfeeding fish, lawn fertilizer application, or other outside variables that the water feature has been exposed to. Our experts can diagnose and help remedy these problems for you!

Green’s Landscaping & Design Landscaping specializes in the installation of residential water gardens, waterfalls, artistic rock, fountains and landscape improvements with a desire to create unique, inspiring designs. Adding a flowing water feature to your landscape brings soothing motion and sound into your surroundings. We have a great love for flowing water, living the water garden lifestyle ourselves. We bring this experience to our customers, providing quality products, installation and support for all types of water features. We pride ourselves in creating a beautiful yet functional and lasting waterscape, preferring the Green’s Landscaping & Design water feature systems for creating natural waterscapes.

Water gardens provide a lush environment to be taken advantage of, where new unique types of flowers and plants can be brought in to your landscape. Choosing the correct type of plants for your size and type of waterscape ensures trouble free operation and maintenance of your water feature. New, vibrant colors abound to create the ultimate center piece for your landscape.

Fish are an integral part of many water features. Our ponds provide a natural setting where all types of life will flourish. Koi goldfish and the many similar variations of fresh water fish thrive in our style of water feature, coexisting with rocks and plants in their environment as they would naturally. We consider our style of pond appropriate for fish keeping, having Koi of our own in a pond successfully for many years. Some would argue it is not the optimum type of setting to raise fish.

Our goal when building a pond is to provide a healthy environment for fish to exist, a safe design for all, as well as create a natural style of water garden for everyone to enjoy. Caring for your fish and their habitat through the seasons takes commitment on the part of the water gardener. We help our customers with advice, or hands on attention when needed to keep their waterscapes in peak fashion with access to a full line of pond supplies.

Pondless waterfalls are the choice if you like the idea of having a natural looking waterfall in your landscape without the addition of caring for a pond. It offers customers a safe, low maintenance option for areas where child safety or liability would be a concern, while providing the refreshing addition of flowing water to your landscape. Adaptable to many types of terrain, we’ve created pondless waterfalls with streams of 2′ to 70′ long.

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Green's Landscaping & Design