How Secure Are You?

Circumstances in life can change in a heartbeat. An alarming doctor’s report or the loss a loved one can threaten your peace and joy and cause your world to crumble. However, you can live courageously by focusing on God’s unfailing love. We must remember that Christianity is a battle-not a dream. Have you ever felt frustrated by the inadequacy of your Christian walk? Believe it or not you can benefit from your frustration. When you allow your frustration to do a work in your life, it will lead you to greater dependency on God, and your life will experience His awesome love.

   The Christian life is often described as a race–one designed by God. In it, we are called to fulfill his purpose for us. That is, we are to be conformed to Christ’s likeness and bring God glory. To run the race, we need to know the route. The Bible serves as our map, compass, and guidebook. It is an infallible manual for godly living, which is needed in our culture of contradictory voices, all claiming to be the truth. During a race, we will encounter obstacles against which we must persevere. Are you encountering some of these obstacles during the current Pandemic crisis the country is experiencing? Be encouraged and run to win!