Prayer Request

Send Your Prayer Request

We love to pray for you!

James 5:16 – Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.  If you would like to request a special prayer, please send your request by clicking on this link;   

  • The Rising Star MBC Family
  • Pastor D. Sykes, Sis. Sykes and Family (always)
  • Deacons, Officers, Staff, Ministries, and Ministry Leaders
  • Homeless individuals and Family
  • Military Men, Women, and Military Families 
  • Those less fortunate
  • Our Government Officials
  • Our Current Presidential Family and the New President & Family
  • Those who are Bereaved, Financial Problems, Medical Problems, and Family Problems
  • R.O.S.E. Ministry
  • Brotherhood – men
  • Those Contemplating Suicide and their Families
  • Encouragement, Strength, and Hedge of Protection
  • Financial Freedom
  • Children, Youth, and Young Adults
  • Grade School, High School & College Students
  • Our Senors Saints
  • Direction and SPIRITUAL UPGRADE for all Individuals and Churches.