Stay Focused

I am here to encourage you to simplify your relationship with God by simply doing what the Words says. How do I do that Lady Rhoda? So glad you ask. By smiply breaking down the scriptures. In Provebs 2:2-5 says, “to tune your ear to wisdom and concentrate on understanding.” When you read the story of Soloman in 2 Chronicles 1:11 God said to Solomon, “because you ask for wisdom and understanding I’m going to give you more.” We have it backwards…we want more stuff than wisdom and understanding from God. Because Soloman asked to be closer to God; because he wanted a stronger prayer life; because he wanted to be a doer of the word; God gave him more. You are not lacking stuff; you are lacking a relationship with God. In your prayer time start asking for wisdom and understanding and watch what follows.


The next verse in Proverbs 2:2-5 says, ‘”cry out for insight.” If you want to know the nature of a thing; you have to seek it out. I wanted to know God…not religion but a true relationship with God…I WANTED TO KNOW GOD! And when You cry out for insight; He will show up. I wanted to know eveything about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. I was on a misson to find out all about the Heavenly Father.


Stay focused! Don’t let nothing or no one cause you to lose focus on the most important relationship you will ever have and that’s with your Heavenly Father. Take the scripture and break it down so you can clearly understand the Word of God.


That’s what my book is all about: learning the Word, speaking the Word, and most importantly living the Word.


This simple truth will cause you to have a healthy spiritual life style.


It’s just that simple!


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