Greetings from our Pastor

Hewitt C. Sawyers, pastor and wife, Annie

Thank you for visiting our church website. We are glad you stopped by. Whether you are considering a visit to our church or just browsing, we are thankful that you thought about us. If you do not find the information that you are seeking, please email us at


Our church is ideally located at 4141 Columbia Pike in Franklin, Tennessee. It is neither in the city nor in the rural community of Williamson County, but just outside of the city limits of Franklin. It is small enough to maintain a family-feel, yet large enough to offer a host of ministries to support the needs of most families.


Our goal is to have a Christ-centered mindset, serving as a conduit for spiritual reconciliation. We hope you will come and glorify God with us as we grow, love, serve, connect and win souls for Christ. We welcome people of all ages, races, socio-economic statuses, and other backgrounds to experience God with us. Whether you are not yet a believer, a young believer, or a mature Christian looking for a Kingdom-building opportunity, we will help you walk out God’s plan for your life. 1 John 3:2 says, “Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed, but we know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.”

What to Expect

We would love to have a visit from you on a Sunday morning. Sundays are times when we come together as the body of Christ to celebrate who God is, what He has done for us, and what He is doing for us right now. It is an exciting time for you to worship with us and experience what an amazing God we serve through worship & the Word of God. As you make plans to visit our church, below is information that will give you an idea of what you will encounter at West Harpeth.



Sunday worship services begin at 11:00 a.m. and last for about 90 minutes. Children’s Church (Grades 1-5) is held simultaneously with the regular worship service. Prayer service is at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m.



Our congregation is diverse in that you will find some younger people, some older people, some single, some married, etc. Members come from varying faith backgrounds and economic levels. Our greatest desire is to connect people to God and each other, while winning souls for Christ!



There is no standard dress code. You will find some members wearing suits and dresses while others will be wearing more casual attire. If it meets God’s standards, it certainly meets ours.


As You Enter

When you arrive at our church site, you may park in the front or in the back of the church. As you walk through the doors, you will find a friendly person waiting to greet you and direct you to the worship center. Upon entering the worship center, you will encounter an usher, who will assist you in finding a seat. During the service, you will hear a variety of music that glorifies God and preaching/teaching designed to transform lives. Near the beginning of the service, there will be an opportunity for the members to welcome you and greet each other. We don’t claim to be perfect, but we can say that we are striving to be more like Jesus every day and “it does not yet appear as to what we shall be.”


Wednesday & Friday Bible Study

Bible study offers the perfect opportunity to go deeper in God’s Word. Sometimes Bible study is a book-by-book study and other times it is based on a particular topic whether seasonal or a critical issue at hand. The beauty of Bible study is the growth that takes place through interaction with the scriptures and the group through questions and discussion.


Church Phone


Church Fax


Church Office Staff
Patricia Harp
Alesha Lane


Church Email:



The West Harpeth Primitive Baptist Church New Member’s Orientation is designed to help participants develop an understanding of the principles of the Christian Church, including what it means to be a committed, fruitful church member and to help participants become assimilated into the life and ministry of our church.


The target audience is:

  • Individuals Seeking Christ
  • New Converts
  • Persons Interested in West Harpeth Membership
  • Former West Harpeth Members desiring to have membership restored


All new members of West Harpeth Primitive Baptist Church shall complete a New Member’s Orientation Class prior to being given the right hand of fellowship. This class will provide information about the history of West Harpeth, the Primitive Baptist Denomination, what it means to be saved, instructions for membership, etc. Existing members may also participate in this class if they desire.


Upon beginning the class, the instructor will provide each participant a New Member’s Handbook. The orientation process consists of six one-hour sessions and all classes are held at the church. Classes are taught by the Pastor or his designee.


At the end of the orientation, members will be given the right hand of fellowship and a certificate will be presented to all that complete the class. Upon completion, new members will have all of the rights and responsibilities of any other member of the church, including joining God in His work in the West Harpeth vineyard. New members are expected to put their natural talents and gifts to work using the spiritual gifts that God had given them to use in Kingdom Building.


The program exercises will help new members identify their unique spiritual gifts that will help them understand those gifts and how those gifts can be used in the West Harpeth vineyard.