
St. D'Acre

The St D’Acre Assembly, located in St Ann, Jamaica West Indies came into being after Sister Vyreta Benain, who was a member of the Kingston church, returned to her hometown in that district.  After returning home, she began worshipping at the Great Pond Assembly but had the desire to have the Good News spread in her hometown.

In response to this desire, Pastor Harold Peart, along with brethren from the Great Pond Assembly, began visiting St D’Acre where they carried out missionary activities in July 1999.  In October of the same year, an elderly lady (later Sister Davy), gave her verandah to the group to hold worship services. From then, weekly Sabbath meetings were held at that location while they continued the search for lands on which to erect a sanctuary. 

The group was successful in their search as a piece of land with a building was identified and leased for five (5) years. The building was then renovated to make it more suitable for worship, and in March 2000 the first Sabbath service was held in the building. On June 10, 2001, the first baptism registered five (5) members to include Brother Cox, who was one of the first visitors.  

The St D’Acre Assembly falls under the leadership of Pastor Felix Peart with Deaconess Vyreta Benain being the resident Leader.

To God be the glory!


“To teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Observing all the principles He taught.. Read more

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Saturdays: 9:30 am
Sundays: 7:00 pm
Wednesdays: 7:00 pm


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