The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told


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The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told



Track: The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told.  $3.00 including shipping. The Truth Bookstore regrets that we cannot ship outside of the USA.

Has someone you trusted ever lied to you? Your boyfriend? Your wife? Your very best friend? Those are the most painful kind of lies, because you genuinely trusted that person. I’m sure it made you angry. And if you’re honest, then you know that it hurt deeply. Why would they treat you that way? They knew they were lying. They had to know that eventually the truth would come out. Every one of us who has told a lie (and that includes all of you reading this booklet!) knows that sooner or later the truth comes out. So wouldn’t it have been easier to just tell the truth from the start? One of my mottos is that even if the truth hurts, it is still the truth! People always find out the truth. So it is always best to just tell the truth up front and deal with the consequences–whatever they are.


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