Our Declaration

It’s Not About You;
It’s Not About Me;
It’s About God!
And the good news is;
The bad news is wrong!

Memoriam: Callista M. Jackson

Sunrise January 1, 1967 - Sunset May 11, 2013

At this present time I find myself drowning in mixed emotions, I feel honored and privileged to have pastored, and mentored such a phenomenal woman of God, as Callista Jackson.

I understand that we are placed in this world for a limited time and with the breath of an infant, beings the race to the grave, a race everyone must run.  What a source of comfort to us who are soon to die, to reflect that salvation does not leave the believer when we most need it’s support and consolation, but sustains us in the most severest trials of our life it illuminates what seems to us all, the valley of the shadow of death.

Although impoverished by her absences, I have been touched by her life for God and good.  The fact that the Lord will have a resurrection unto eternal life and I shall see her again is the reason my tears are made dry.  This hope is more than enough to balance my grief.  From now on it points to a glorious reunion.

Now this is my opportunity to celebrate this great philanthropic, a woman who will be mourned and missed, for a job well done.  Death may have changed her residence but it cannot and will not change her ownership, because whether we live or whether we die we belong to God.  God said you are mine and surely you are God’s masterpiece.

Solomon the wise king of the Bible, who shared his God given wisdom in Proverbs, asked “who can find a virtuous woman?”  For her price is far above rubies, this intimates that good women are rare and hard to find

So if we were remised in our acclamation, if the compliments were not generous enough, your works will proclaim your praise.  You are a woman of resolution and you controlled your own spirit, your adorning will be found for honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

When Jesus said it’s finished he meant the creative work, the redemptive, work the atonement work was done, even his suffering was done, he had done all he covenanted to do.  Callista you have fought a good fight, you finished the course, indeed you kept the faith now there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge shall give you.

Bishop Jacqueline A. Foye, Pastor & Founder

Greater Apostolic House of Prayer


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